Customize your tax questions, treatment report, and device settings with Clinicminds

Author: Guy Makmel
  • Best practice
  • Feature

At Clinicminds we recognize that every clinic is unique. With customization of fiscal and treatment report questionnaires, as well as the parameters of the device settings, your workplace can be further optimized for greater efficiency.

Custom Tax Questions

Depending on the fiscal laws of your country or local laws that apply to your clinic, some aesthetic treatments can have a medical aspect and thus be exempt from taxation.

This is not a big deal in places in which the medical practitioners are delegated with the task of determining whether the tax exemption is applicable. However, some laws require the decision to be backed up with a form in which certain questions get answers that help determine the case.

Clinicminds has answered this by incorporating a custom tax questionnaire that streamlines the evaluation process, thus making it faster and more reliable. Setting up the questionnaire to support tax exemption in your clinic is a simple process that can both make the process uniform and take some administrative burden off of your physicians. A forgotten record form will never again be a headache for the bookkeeping department!

The questionnaire can optionally include a ‘description’ field for your practitioners to fill in which helps the system determine when the tax exemption is applicable. As for the government reports, the forms can simply be exported and forwarded showing your clinic’s records that support being relieved from taxation.

In short, with new custom tax questionnaires your clinic will be much more adept at making the right calls when it comes to taxation, and with reduced administrative slog your patients will have a much better experience of their time spent at your workplace! Let’s not forget that this saves quite a bit of time – and time is money! A dime saved is a dime earned, after all.

Custom Treatment Report Questions

Maintaining clean and orderly records requires that each medical procedure gets followed by detailed, consistent, and thorough reporting. In our software we already have a free text field that serves the ‘treatment report’ with some helpful templates that can be used. We thought that we could do more than that. So we did.

Clinicminds has decided to introduce a treatment report questionnaire that is fully customizable and tailored to be simple and quick, but also detailed and reliable. Besides the general and specific questions about the treatment and all its details, you are able to implement checkboxes, dropdown menus, radio buttons, etc. Assigning a question to every applicable treatment is encouraged and you can use pretty much all the relevant question models that can be of use to your clinic.

The end goal of the custom treatment report questionnaire is to optimize treatment reports and introduce a respectable standard that will boost the efficiency of both the administrative and the healthcare parts of your institution. Filling these out will be done much faster than ever before and they will increase the relevant data extracted while reducing superfluous info to a minimum.

Saving time earns money and makes the patients adore your policies. What’s not to like here?

Device Settings Questions

Operating medical devices is a responsible and important task. It is only adequate then that the process is made easier for the practitioner by noting down the used settings and documenting them more readily and easily than ever before.

Using the device settings questionnaire after every applicable treatment is a new feature introduced in Clinicminds software. By implementing a pop-up window with relevant questions designed to register the device settings, the process is done as a part of the general record-keeping in an optimized and efficient manner.

The benefits of this are numerous. Let’s begin with the fact that every time the treatment gets repeated the practitioner has ready access to previous settings. With this insight it is much easier to continue with the same treatment and monitor whether adjustments should be made.

As with the previous questionnaires, everything is fully customizable and the clinic has the ability to create the list of questions with relevant question models such as dropdowns, checkboxes, and so on.

At Clinicminds, we give our best to make your practitioners’ time matter. With these changes, you will be that much more able to devote yourself to healthcare, and that is the most important thing, if you ask us.

Want to learn more? chat with us.