Do you know how much potential revenue you lost due to appointment no-shows last year?

Author: Guy Makmel
  • Best practice

Features that can help you reduce no-shows

SMS appointment reminders
After all, we all need reminders in this busy world. The advantage of SMS text reminders is that it’s a push message with full attention on your smartphone.

Change appointments online
Allow patients to reschedule or cancel appointments online. By simplifying the process to change appointments, patients are more likely to inform your clinic on time. This customer convenience ensures that you can release appointment slots more efficiently for new bookings.

Of course, you can specify in Clinicminds the minimum period between the appointment date and the moment of changing the appointments to avoid last-minute cancellations or changes.

Online payments
Use online payments or deposits for appointments that contribute the most to no-shows. Deposits make patients more committed to sticking to their appointment or canceling/ rescheduling their appointment on time.

Interested in learning more?
Schedule a call to analyze your number of no-shows and learn how to configure and use these strategies.

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